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Haiti Update

My apologies! The Haiti team had asked that I update the blog upon our return from Haiti this past week. It slipped my mind…until just now. They have no internet access in that … Read more about Haiti Update

Haiti Ministry

They Haiti team is preparing for thier first day of ministry and are very excited about what God has in store.   They met the pastor of the church they will be working with in Haiti.  … Read more about Haiti Ministry

Muddy Mess

Stories from Training Camp: We woke up at 3am to rain coming down on us - we hurried to pull the rain tarps over each tent and then settled in for the down pour. Eight hours later it was still … Read more about Muddy Mess

They Made It!

The team has safely arrived in Haiti! They are happy to be there and excited about what God is going to do! Please pray for them as they settle in and begin ministry. The leaders will continue to … Read more about They Made It!

Haiti Bound!

Today we are heading to Haiti - we are all very excited and everyone is expecting GREAT things! We all are still not quite sure what to expect,    "We don't know what to … Read more about Haiti Bound!