Evansbord was taken to a witch doctor at two months old. He lays knees to his chest, feet crossed flat against himself – fifteen years in the same position, immobile and mute.

Daily AIM team members visited and spent time interceding for Evansbord. One participant, a physical therapist, examined him and said that physically there was no reason he was in such a condition. Thursday the team gathered and prayed… and prayed… and prayed. After hours of seeking God on behalf of this child and his family, the team retrieved a tarp, used water from their water bottles, and created a baptismal on the spot.

Result: Evansbord was smiling, laughing, uttering his first words. Friday morning Evansbord was crawling. Friday afternoon he was playing and throwing a ball.

He is a transformed boy, joyous and responsive. The entire community has witnessed this and has been astounded. We serve a powerful God.