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Thoughts & Inspiration

   Hi Y’all, my name is Lindsay, but you can call me Lu, Linz, Lindsay Lu, Lu Lu, Lu Bell, Lu Belly, and many more!! I live in Temecula, California but my home town is Groves, Texas!!! I was born May 5th, 1993 at Saint Marys Hospital in Port Arthur, Texas. I have a brother Joey who is 19, a sister Anna who is 10 months, another brother William who is 10 months, and my family is currently adopting a girl who is 14 from the Philippines; her name is Mary Jane!!                                                                                                                               
 Joey     Mary Jane   Anna and William                                   
   I lived in Groves, Texas for eleven years and my freshman year, I moved to Temecula, California! These past two years have been the hardest years of my life, but I grew stronger as a person. I love animals, especially dogs. My bestfriend is my dog Asher, he brings me so much joy and just knows when I am having a hard day! My life has not been super easy, but I always know that the Lord has everything under control. My favorite Bible verse is Jeremiah 29:11. I love soccer, surfing, track, running, cello, piano, guitar, singing, and training my puppy!!! I am a very unique person. I might seem shy at first, but once I get to know you then I am crazy!!! Jesus is my everything, I don’t know what I would do without him.
   Last summer I spent a month in Swaziland, Africa; that experience changed my life forever!!! If I could, I would move there today. On mission trips you form so many close relationships with people that you learn to love.
                     All the kids wanted was to be in your arms
 My bestfriend that I made on my Swaziland trip!   
   When I grow up, I want to be a missionary. I also want to adopt a boy from Africa and a girl from China! I believe that everyone is called to be evangilists, but some are called to go out of the country; I am one of them.
 Mikey and me at Disneyland!! He is my bestfriend and stepdad!!

My wonderful family